15 Top Socialist YouTube Channels

YouTube channels can make a great addition to your politcal education, and act as a way to start bringing others around to socialist ideas. Here are 15 great socialist YouTube channels for you to consider:

1) Second Thought

Second Thought is an entry level socialist YouTube channel that explains many basic ideas, with slick videos that are easily bingeable.


2) Halim Alrah

Another entry level channel that does well at explaining basic Marxist concepts, such as class struggle and historical materialism. He also has a great video debunking the political compass.


3) Bes D Marx

This YouTube channel gives a Marxist analysis of history and current events. The videos on fascism and the German Revolution are especially good.


4) Dissident Theory

The Dissident Theory socialist channel has an extremely good series of videos explaining Capital Volume One chapter by chapter. Hopefully, the creator will cover the further volumes at some point. Even as it stands, though, this channel is a great resource.


5) The Marxist Project

This YouTube channel has instructional videos that cover many Marxist concepts.


6) Hakim

Hakim is an Arab Socialist who’s familiar with many Marxist concepts and explains them well, alongside doing videos to debunk nonsense.


7) BadEmpananda

Badempanada is a controversial figure. He goes on unhinged rants on Twitter and his second YouTube channel,as well as engaging in vile behaviour such as tactical fat phobia. That said, his main channel is generally trustworthy and the videos high quality.


8) Sam Sinha

Sam Sinha puts out slick and quirky videos that teach Marxist concepts, often by approaching them obliquely.


9) First Thought

Your biased socialist news roundup from Second Thought’s JT Chapman and a couple of his comrades.


10) The Gravel Institute

The Gravel Institute was set up as a counter point to the right-wing PragerU. It put out slick, leftwing videos on a range of topics before it stopped production a year ago. The videos that has online still are well worth checking out.


11) Caelan Conrad

Caelan focuses mainly on queer issues from a left wing perspective. Their hard hitting videos on Gender Critical ideology are especially worth checking out.


12) GDF

Gaddafi Official is a channel that produces videos on a range of topics from insurgent tactics to Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people.


13) Kay and Skittles

This socialist YouTube channel explores wide range of issues in an easy to digest format, often choosing to analyse society through the lens of movies or computer games.


14) DPRK Explained

Each video on this channel analyzes a specific aspect of life in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, aka North Korea.


15) Luna Oi

Luna Oi is a Marxist-Leninist from Vietnam. She makes videos about both Vietnam and about Marxism in general.


Hopefully this selection of socialist YouTube channels should keep you busy learning for a while 🙂


Naomi Philips