Former Chinese Football Association President Jailed for Corruption

The former president of the Chinese Football Association (CFA), Chen Xuyuan, has been sentenced to life in prison for bribery. Earlier this year, he pleaded guilty to taking bribes worth a total of 81 million yuan (£8.9m). Hopefully the funds, gained by cheating the public, can be recovered for the public good.

A wide reaching corruption investigation has been targeting shady dealing in the football sector, where the former head coach of the Chinese men’s team has also pleaded guilty of match fixing.

During the 80s and 90s, corruption spread with the influx of capital into Chinese society. One of the major drives of the Xi Jinping administration has been eliminating corruption, as well as reducing wealth inequality.

The courts found that Chen’s corruption spanned the period from 2010-2023, and included corrupt practices during his time as chairman of the Shanghai International Port Group.

Three other senior football officials were sentenced on Tuesday to between eight and 14 years in prison for corruption.

Hopefully, soon all Chinese officials will learn that corruption isn’t the way to prosperity under socialism.

Naomi Philips