How Far Away is the Revolution?

How Far Away is the Revolution?

For those new to Socialism, the task of removing Capitalism can seem daunting to the point of being impossible. What can an individual do to bring down Capitalism? How can Socialists, a group of ordinary citizens, take control of the…

Left Unity: An Impossible Dream

Left Unity: An Impossible Dream

A common refrain from baby leftists is that we need to unify the left. They look around at the fragmented factions of Democratic Socialists, Anarchists, Marxist-Leninists (MLs), and Marxist-Leninist-Maoists (MLMs), and declare that we should create a single, gigantic leftist…

The UK is Not a Democracy

The UK is Not a Democracy

Britain is said to be the home of parliamentary democracy, which countries around the world have modelled their own political systems on. But what the media and education systems rarely ask is whether this democracy actually lives up to what…
