Tag: Socialism

Marxism 101: What is Socialism?

Marxism 101: What is Socialism?

Socialism is a word that you’ve likely heard used with various different meanings. In the US, the word Socialism is often used to describe the Scandinavian Social Democracies. These aren’t Socialist though. They’re Capitalist societies with strong unions and good…

Can We Stop Leftist Infighting?

Can We Stop Leftist Infighting?

If you hang around socialist spaces online, you’ll regularly see someone make a very earnest post asking for ideas about how to stop leftist infighting. This isn’t surprising. Seeing how divided the left is can feel troubling when we’re so…

Left Unity: An Impossible Dream

Left Unity: An Impossible Dream

A common refrain from baby leftists is that we need to unify the left. They look around at the fragmented factions of Democratic Socialists, Anarchists, Marxist-Leninists (MLs), and Marxist-Leninist-Maoists (MLMs), and declare that we should create a single, gigantic leftist…

Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

There are a group of talking points going around today that paint communism as an anti LGBTQ+ ideology. When queer people identify ourselves as communists, we’re sometimes ridiculed as naive. We must not have heard about Stalin re-criminalizing homosexuality, or…