Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

There are a group of talking points going around today that paint communism as an anti LGBTQ+ ideology. When queer people identify ourselves as communists, we’re sometimes ridiculed as naive. We must not have heard about Stalin re-criminalizing homosexuality, or…

Why Your Toilet is Political

Why Your Toilet is Political

A different explanation of extraction Nowadays it’s quite common to hear people complain that everything seems to be political. While your boomer dad is probably worrying too much about people living the way that makes them happy, the statement is…

You Should Read Theory in Groups

You Should Read Theory in Groups

Many new leftists struggle when reading theory. This is not unusual or surprising. Socialist theory is often dense and complicated, full of new ideas and concepts you’re likely unfamiliar with. If you read theory as an individual, as a single…

Where to begin?

Where to begin?

As of late, a great deal of discourse has enveloped the political sphere regarding what is to be done in the fight to protect against further encroachments upon women’s rights and queer rights. Indeed, this discourse is rightly deserved —…
