Category: Culture

Misandry in Leftist Spaces

Misandry in Leftist Spaces

In recent months, there seems to have been an increasing number of conversations about the presence of misandry in leftist spaces. Those who dislike its existence say that it’s alienating to men, and that we shouldn’t tar all men with…

How the Cuban Education System Works

How the Cuban Education System Works

If you ask most people about the Cuban education system, they’ll probably mention the famous Cuban doctors, who provide medical care around the world. But there’s a lot more to the country’s education system than its medical schools. The Cuban…

Special Education in Cuba

Special Education in Cuba

Before the socialist revolution in 1959, Cuba was a US puppet state under a dictator named Batista. When the Socialists overthrew him, there were only eight special education schools on the island, educating 134 pupils. These schools were all charity…

Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

Is Communism Really Anti LGBTQ?

There are a group of talking points going around today that paint communism as an anti LGBTQ+ ideology. When queer people identify ourselves as communists, we’re sometimes ridiculed as naive. We must not have heard about Stalin re-criminalizing homosexuality, or…