Introduction to Marxism

Introduction to Marxism

Marxism, aka Scientific Socialism, is a field of study first developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th Century, which continues to develop to this day. Before Karl Marx, all attempts at socialism had been utopian. That is…

How the Cuban Education System Works

How the Cuban Education System Works

If you ask most people about the Cuban education system, they’ll probably mention the famous Cuban doctors, who provide medical care around the world. But there’s a lot more to the country’s education system than its medical schools. The Cuban…

Special Education in Cuba

Special Education in Cuba

Before the socialist revolution in 1959, Cuba was a US puppet state under a dictator named Batista. When the Socialists overthrew him, there were only eight special education schools on the island, educating 134 pupils. These schools were all charity…

Dialectical Materialism & Historical Materialism Resources

Dialectical Materialism is the philosophical framework with which Marxists analyse the world. Historical Materialism is the application of Dialectical Materialism to history. Videos About Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism Channel: Politics in Command Idealism vs Materialism Metaphysics vs Dialectics…
